Monday, August 25, 2008

I Saw A Bear.

There I was, minding my own business in the backyard. I was sitting on the back steps reading, when suddenly a large black shape emerged from the woods. A black bear, ambled across the lawn, paying me no mind whatsoever, even though I was about 30 feet away. He had to know I was there, he just appeared unconcerned. (The photo is not the actual bear I saw, but representative of the bear.)

I stayed frozen in my spot, not knowing what the "bear protocol" is..."Do they eat people? Will they attack? What should I do??? Should I go get my camera? He doesn't look spooked but will he attack me if I move?"...all rushed through my head, but for the most part, I couldn't get over how frigging COOL it was to see a bear in the yard.

We've had the house for 4 years and I've seen deer (and I never get over how cute they are) and I've seen a myriad of birds, decked out in wonderful colors and patterns of each species' aviary outerwear, raccons, and other small wildlife and birds of prey. We have, during the last year, noticed more frequent and prominent "bear doodies" on the lawn. Frequently, they are full of berries and what appear to be bug shells, and they are huge. But we have never seen the bear. (Dood-er, as it were.) I have declined to post a photo of the poops, although, I'm not sure why. I can always talk about poop, but maybe others don't enjoy it as much.

There was no time to grab a camera or move and the whole thing lasted about 2 or 3 minutes, which gave me a good opportunity to watch him as he poked around the log pile in the back, and then was subsequently spooked by a passing car. He ran through our front yard and then back to the other side of the house and into the woods.

Al was up the road, helping a neighbor mow his future apple orchard (yay, free apples), and I ran for what seems like the first time in 20 years, to tell them in case they could come check out the bear, but that bear was long gone.....

It was amazing. That bear didn't make a sound, even while running. I don't think it's a good idea to encourage bears, but I really hope I see him again.

1 comment:

Slim said...

THAT is awesome. Very cool. And the only bear factoids I would have been able to recall are: If you're being chased, run downhill, and if it's a momma bear...get the f#*^ out of there as fast and inconspicuously as possible.