Sunday, June 8, 2008

The most personally insightful survey ever. Now you know all my secrets. as if.

Twobuyfour wanted to get to know his readers better. Having known me since high school, I suppose there's SOOO much left to know, but I took a crack at his thought provoking survey, and I presume there's something sort of psychologically/ pathologically indicative in the answers, but hopefully, a screensaver is just a screensaver...

1. What is your screensaver? At work, funky photo I took near the house upstate. Used to be Al at a benefit concert...maybe I'll change it now that you mention it. At home..nada.

2. Has your photo ever been a screensaver for someone else? Probably a couple people and probably for totally opposite reasons.

3. How long have you been blogging? Two weeks.

4. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs. True, they bark, but Cats puke up hairballs in your shoes and insist on setting their little pink buttholes on the counter.

5. What song would you sing for me if you could? I used to be a big Matchbox 20 (Rob Thomas) fuh-reak and I sang PUSH or SMOOTH, every chance I got at Karaoke...but for YOU, if I were forced to, I'd probably sing some songs by They Might Be Giants. (Istanbul, not Constantinople) fun songs that you can't criticize, because you would judge me and I would have to get you back, bad. Which would suck for you, totally.

6. Have you ever eaten cheese wiz right from the can into your open mouth? There's ANOTHER way to eat it??

7. If you were an insect which one would you be?
The kind people don't squoosh or hit with newspapers or spray crap on. Most people tolerate butterflies. I could easily be one of those. Butterflies don't do anything gross, like eat other nasty things, or squirt stuff, or have 800 eyes.... they're like leaf eating, flying fowers. Who wouldn't want to be that? There's a cool one with "eyes" on it, that make it look like an owl so animals won't eat it...

I know hummingbirds aren't insects, but they are smaller than some insects I've seen, very quick and rather badass, so I'd consider being one of those if butterflies were taken.


twobuyfour said...

A butterfly? Somehow I pictured you as more of a scorpion or something. Definitely something poisonous, and not afraid of tackling animals bigger than yourself.

The Lovely and Talented said...

Nice...a scorpion? Ick.

How about a poisonous butterfly? Killer butterfly? (Butterflies are pretty and I like to be pretty...)
