Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Campaign Blitz tomorrow

OK...we didn't finish the video, because her BOYFRIEND who committed to assist, crapped out on us and we lost our opportunity. We would have done it without him but he assured us he was coming and we went on with other things while we waited, in vain, for him. (Long story short.)

This was a lesson in always remembering to honor yourself, and to be responsible for your own happiness. Men always take care of themselves. Actually there were a couple of lessons here and if she learns it now, she won't be learning it when she's 40. People do what they want to do. He made a choice to be somewhere else instead of doing what he said he'd do. She didn't break up with him(boo), but she drew a line in the sand. We'll see.

That being said, we had a nice little crew of friends show up to help assemble candy to give away.

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