Ah, Peace and Quiet. Last night, Al took the kids out, and they went to dinner, and he felt bad about not including me, but I was really happy not to be included. I got to keep the phone appointments I had cancelled due to the previous night's teenage bullshit.
I'm glad. He needs to spend alone time with them, and I need to not deal with anybody else's crap for awhile.
This is something I was never good at. I always wanted to "fix" everything, and my natural positive "Oh don't worry, we can handle it" attitude always overrode my common sense and self preservation instincts.
I haven't talked to my stepdaughter since she decided to storm out of the house( after dropping F-bombs all over the place) and make dinner 3 hours late, (we ate without her and had a lovely meal, even though it was not as planned.). I'm not interested in communicating with someone who can't control herself and I don't want to hear her excuses.
She needs to do a whole lot of unselfish good deed type activities on behalf of the household, because I am seriously DONE for awhile. I've let her live in my house, given her more support(emotionally and financially) in one year than she's ever received from her mother in 16 years, and if she resents it, or chooses not to appreciate it then I am not participating further.
She has indicated to her father that she needs to apologize to me, but frankly, it doesn't mean anything anymore. I know she's trying to get him to pay for her ticket to Florida to see her mother, which we told her and her asshole mother that we refuse to pay for. She has to earn it. I want her to act like a human. I want to not have some totally fabricated asshattery in my house, once a week. I presume an apology is forthcoming.
I plan to not deal with her until next week, if at all possible. My husband doesn't like the friction and is one of those people who thinks when there's an upset, it should just be dropped and people should move on....however, I end up feeling (regardless of whether or not it's true) that my feelings are being discounted and I expect a resolution.
I plan to only do what I need to do for the next week. My nights are full, scanning and editing old photos for a DVD for my father in law's surprise 80th birthday party, planning menus, MY OUTFIT, (they can all go nekkid, for all I care, but I plan to look fabulous.) and party decorations.
I have no time for other people's drama this week. I totally "Full". To here.
So This Is Christmas
5 weeks ago
Soooo...decided this blogging thing wasn't for you?
Hahaha...no, sorry. Got ridiculously busy, and on sensory overload. Plus it's been a million degrees and sitting farther than 2 inches from the air conditioner was not happening.
Thanks for checking on me. :) Hope you're having a fabulous summer.
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