The election is on Friday. They really don't give the kids much time or incentive to campaign. Very little information was given out and they are off on Tuesday and Wednesday for the Jewish Holidays. My how times have changed. I used to have to bring a note to school explaining my absence on Jewish holidays and even though there were other Jewish kids in my school, no one else knew what the holiday was for. Maybe it's because it's New York, with so much cultural diversity, maybe they just teach them about all the holidays. Or maybe the school district got sued. Who knows?
Anyway, we've raided the craft store, and have created buttons (see pic above), bookmarks (they were fun, but I'm not sure how effective they'll be stuck inside books.) T-shirts and magnets. We're not completely done, we plan some candy giveaways (We're going to somehow personalize candy with campaign information overnight.) but we're making progress.
We are working on a video to be shot in the apartment tomorrow night. I have never edited a digital video before (only VHS "back in the day" and it involved machinery). I downloaded Microsoft Movie Maker, and hopefully can teach myself to use it. The video will be a sit down type interview format with another student acting as "host", asking our "candidate" questions. She is also going to shoot "testimonials" at school tomorrow. If she doesn't get mugged for the camera, we should be able to incorporate it into the video.
I'm not sure whether she or I are having more fun...ok, I'm sure, I am. But seriously, how cool are the "Presidential Tattoos"?
Tattoos?! You don't do anything small scale, do you? You officially get the 'Best step-mom of the year' award. Hands down.
Dude, the tattoos ROCK. We've decided to shoot the video tomorrow. The talent is rehearsing. Tomorrow there is some sort of round up to redo the "testimonials" which had bad language in them,(I don't care about that so much, except it really doesn't work for school, you know?)
You want to know the weirdest part? People went crazy for the BOOKMARKS. (Tattoos aren't being given out until Thursday.) Seriously, they tied the bookmarks to their backpacks and clothes. Never would have thought that. But they are in demand and we are making more.
And no, I don't do ANYTHING small scale. Even my small scale is largely small. (Deafening silence.)
Our greatest display of shameless pandering will be on Thursday (the day before the election). We are sending her to school with blowpops, to which we have attached "Vote for Dolores" cards. On the back of the cards will be the web address for the video. (If we get it done.)
I am seriously having a good time, and I know she is too because she called MY mother to make a fuss over her. :) (She still hasn't discussed it with "Drunkzilla"....)
I love planning "themed" events.
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